When speaking facts feels like committing a social crime

    by nightbloomkiss_


    1. Just because people hate what you say doesn’t make it true. You could just be wrong and an asshole.

    2. Waltzing_With_Bears on

      Sounds like something someone says before being a massive asshole and saying they are “Just being honest” or “Just speaking the truth”

    3. Space_Socialist on

      Looks like a bot the dude posted a bunch of memes in the last hour and I’m pretty sure they’re reposts. The dudes account is new and has only interacted with memes and history memes.

    4. > But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
      > – Carl Sagan

    5. Mr. Orwell wrote an amazing book about the spanish civil war.He mentioned that people tend to believe something that is written from some journalists who are miles away from the field than the people who fought in the war and have seen the events.

    6. OP’s gonna be spouting off that fake Voltaire “who you’re allowed to criticize” nazi ass quote pretty soon.

    7. the_flying_armenian on

      Ive had a few conspiracy nuts write to me with this on the bottom of their email next to their signature.
      Very conspiracy vibe from OP.
      Will downvote.

    8. OP, any example of these truths?

      Because this feels like the classic “I’m not racist, but…” intro to a severely racist post.

    9. Where specific history this is so generic to the point of inaccuracy and uselessness and honestly can’t even be considered a history meme.

    10. There is no such thing as a 100% “true” or objective statement. It’s all subject to bias.

      There are certain criteria most people can agree on, that make a piece of information a “fact”, like multiple peer reviewed studies or better a meta analysis which leads to (almost) all experts in that field agreeing on it. Even that doesn’t make it indisputable or an absolute truth though.

      Even if you just state information that meets that criterion, which facts you choose to present, their order and under which context you do it, can also be subject to bias and used to coerce people into conclusions that are no confirmed facts and part of an agenda.

      An example would be stating crime statistics for certain ethnicities right after such a crime occurs without also mentioning the statistics on education, poverty etc. within that group to make people believe that they are inherently bad people as part of a racist agenda.

    11. Ah yes nutcases favourite. I have seen a confirmed pedofile, tankies, Islamist fundementalist and nazis on twitter use the same argument. For me it’s the same as the “there is no 100% proof against it either” “argument”, given by people who make shit up based on half truths to validate their twisted views.

    12. Many claim they speak facts yet they spread propaganda.

      Also “speaking facts” often doesn’t mean speaking the truth. Truth tends to be complex and layered and you may argue factually but selectively, since they conceal facts that don’t fit or even break their narrative.

      You can deceive by speaking facts

    13. I will say the first picture is more likely a reflection of those quote

      “People who are brutally honest generally enjoy the brutality more than the honesty.” – Richard Needham

      I know you are trying to paint the idea that this person is a conspiracy theorist that is just trying to show ‘the truth’, but all the people I’ve met that claim they just ‘tell the truth’ are just assholes and that includes most conspiracy theorists

    14. Well, I just saw that a comment of mine where I talked about how North Korea was a horrible country got a lot of downvotes, and several comments on that post were praising the country as if it were a “bastion of defense for the working class…”

      So yeah, this post of yours has a good amount of reality. And this can be true whether you speak badly of left-wing regimes or badly of right-wing regimes, I hope you understand that.

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