Oh OK 🤔

    by javelin3000


    1. Well, yeah. Pretty much every democracy in the world wants that, but Urkaine doubly so. Maybe Trumpy shouldn’t have tried to blackmail Zelensky by withholding weapons congress authorized and Ukraine desperately needed to get dirt on Biden.

    2. So Zelensky does not want the guy who has made it clear that his plan for peace is “give Ukraine to Russia” to be president?

      How unexpected.

    3. Trump wants the Democrats to win.

      He never wanted to be President in the first place. This is known.

      It’s a difficult and demanding job with a lot of scrutiny and he wasn’t up to it, or up for it, in 2016, let alone now.

      The grift is to _pretend_ to want to do it, get your supporters to spunk loads of their money on your ‘campaign’ (which you syphon off), lose ungraciously and then spend the next 4 years whinging about your opponent, on socials, from your gold toilet

      Rinse, repeat. Easy life.

    4. Crazy af, of course, Ukr wants dems to win. trump will partition Ukraine if he wins just like how putin wanted it.

    5. Yeah…so do most world leaders outside of Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, Venezuela and we can’t forget Viktor Orban!

    6. Yes because Zelenskyy is keenly aware that Trump will sell the Ukraine to Russia for a wooden nickel.

    7. elementalguitars on

      Announcing an important endorsement for his opponent is an odd campaign choice. You convinced me Donald, I’m voting for Harris.

    8. Zelenskyy would definitely want the Democrats to win because Trump will feed his country to Putin.

    9. Yeah, so do all of our allies. The only ones who want to see Trump win are our enemies, who are either dictators and/or terrorists. Oh, and traitorous maga republicans.

    10. Think most people in the world outside Russia, North Korea and the republican party wants the democrats to win…

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