America students don’t need education

    by A-Wise-Cobbler


    1. Think_fast_no_faster on

      I remember learning about the ancient astronomers who were curtailed or made to recant by the church, and thinking that it’s so wild that the rulers of a place could be so scared of knowledge and discovery that they’d get involved in suppressing it. Now look where we are

    2. dragonfliesloveme on

      He also said I think it was in the same speech that he thought people should be jailed for criticizing the judges and justices.

      Ok that is not America. That is oppressive tyranny, what America was founded to never be.

    3. The GOP wants them in the factories. Those little fingers are good for getting in between the machines. They also want to force women out of the workplace to fulfill the mythical 50’s housewife vision. Because who is going to have to be home with the kids if there is no school? They either get sent to the factory or mom quits her job to homeschool them from a crappy and expensive curiculum that the buddies of the GOP ill make you buy. It’s all a part of project 2025.

    4. Republicans need to keep us ignorant. It’s their only hope for the survival of the party. Trump “loves the poorly educated”

    5. Technically that’s not what that department does though… It forces a reasonable accommodation for special needs students, and pays for it, to also be able to learn and grow, so getting rid of it does nothing but hurt the most vulnerable of Americans.

    6. Oh, interesting. That’s in project 2025. But… Trump doesn’t KNOW about project 2025. Hmmmm… interesting

    7. Andr0id_Paran0id on

      I love that their “solution” is have the states “control” everything, but then the state governments are all controlled by the party. They’re not eliminating bureaucracy, they are shifting it somewhere they have complete control.

    8. Oh, look, another policy position straight from Project 25 that he knows nothing about and has never heard of, never even met the guy. 🙄

    9. Isn’t that a goal straight out to the project 2025 that he’s allegedly not affiliated with despite the fact that it was authored by his former officials?

    10. There are countless historical reference about the horrible things that happen to populations when there is no education… of course if you don’t teach history you wouldn’t know that.

    11. For someone who hasn’t heard of Project 2025, Trump sure likes to promote ideas outlined in Project 2025.

    12. I’m confused… is this another brick in the wall? Or does a brick get removed? Now it is more and more obvious that he denies knowing about Project 2025 so people don’t think he is cheating off their paper when coming up with the same answers.

    13. Humble-Plankton2217 on

      First they destroy public education by defunding schools and pushing vouchers that only benefit rich people who can afford private school.

      Then they say “the system is so bad, it’s terrible, we have to get rid of it”

      Then MAGA/GOP people lap it up, no one loves getting pissed on and being told it’s raining more than MAGA. I think at this point we just gotta call it what it is – a kink.

    14. Murky_Following_3338 on

      This is why stopping school vouchers and ending private schools receiving them is important. Public schools need more funding. If people want to pay for private schools…that’s on them. But if something happens and they can’t afford it anymore…then the taxes they pay still allow them to attend public schools. Republicans don’t want educated voters. They want sheep to do what they tell them to.

    15. Republicans have been threatening to get rid of the dept of education for decades. They do want kids educated… but only the rich ones. Basically they want serfs.

    16. Of course he does, but it’s not just him or even his own idea. That is the republican party to the core.

      they want people stupid and unable to think critically, unable to question, and for them to believe anything the gop tells them no matter how stupid or insane.

      Stupid people are easy to control and manipulate.

      You can see everything I mentioned already in the maga cult and the republican voter. The gop wants everyone like that so they can take and keep control forever.

    17. This is in line with the Project 2025 mandate along with some of the meanest, most befuddling proposed changes to our government I’ve ever seen. It’s available online to read for free.

      Right now it’s fiction. May it always stay that way.

    18. It’s been part of the GOP playbook for decades.

      1. Underfund public education.

      2. Try to reform education to accommodate tighter budgets, leading to regressive policies, overcrowded classrooms and underpaid teachers.

      3. Watch test scores slip, and education falter.

      4. Blame Department of Education for failures, justifying budget cuts.

      5. Go to 1.

      They’re trying to destroy public education to further the power base of the oligarchy, so that only children of families with means get a decent education and therefore opportunities, turning corporations into giant nepotism farms, while the poor are stuck in dead end jobs, forced into the military, or put in prison (the last legal form of slavery).

    19. The problem with his idea is that the federal department of education helps fund public schools across the country and some schools, particularly Title 1 schools, receive a fair chunk of their funding from them. Public schools can’t pick and choose their kids like charter schools can to to look good on the data side of things because public schools are open to all kids, regardless of their needs, academic performance or behavior. If public are struggling to meet the demands of students now…..what’s going to happen when there are even less funds? Less support? I’ll tell you: we’ll get a higher rate of dropouts, which in turn will lead to a higher crime rate when those adults suddenly can’t get jobs to make ends meet

      I cannot fathom anybody’s ideals who think this man is the only option for us. Is Kamala Harris perfect? Absolutely not. Does she lie? I’m sure she has, because that’s what politicians do. But at the end of the day, we’re essentially voting for the lesser of two evils. Why pick the dude who is trying to get rid of the only education a lot of Americans have access to? And why pick the convicted felon to run our country?

    20. Please tell me again how you are NOT implementing project 2025? Because this sure sounds awfully familiar.

    21. Just look at what they have done to education departments in deep red states . That’s what they want for all of us! Education is one of the only tools the working class have to improve their quality of life.

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