German soldiers crossed the border to Poland. This is what the Polish PM has to say about that.

    by AnonnyNos


    1. this time they are the good guys!

      it’s like Terminator 2, the Austrian is programmed to protect you against the one that looks like Putin

    2. Character-Carpet7988 on

      EU states accidentally invading each other (and other European countries too, e.g. Switzerland and Liechtenstein) are something our generation doesn’t appreciate enough. We’ve came a long way from war being a normal thing for our ancestors, to just laughing at some soldiers being dumb enough to get lost in a forest or whatever, or just nodging when German soldiers casually have a shared excercies with the Polish ones.

      Something to keep in mind when things look dark. We’ve come so far in just 80 years or so. We just need to make sure to not backtrack on this.

    3. EtherealEmpiricist on

      A German tourists visits France. The airport customs officer asks:

      – Hello sir, ocupation?
      – No, no, just visiting

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