It’s tough to have parents who aren’t very smart

    by K8889


    1. Yea pretty common story, most people where i live have a very simple solution to fix depression which is too gaslight their child into fighting them repeatedly until someone ends up horribly injured and the kid moves out or is dead, i moved out at 17 only having lost half a tooth and my dad got out with a concussion.

    2. Oh fuck, if this is true, it is some of the most f’ed up things I’ve read. Really really sorry for what happened.

    3. Past-Direction9145 on

      I tried coming out to my parents 27 years ago

      they tried to have me converted to be straight

      they’re still convinced the world made me gay. and even though if that were true, I’d be a victim still deserving of their love, I don’t have it. they hate me. they hate my “choice”

      my choice will be state funded nursing homes in the end. for them.

    4. Jesus, I’m so sorry. Just save yourself and get therapy as there is so much to be unpacked and addressed (let alone the trauma)!

    5. Reminds me of one of my best friends in trade school. He came out to his parents and they immediately kicked him out and disowned him. From what his sister said, he came back and banged on the living room window to get his parent’s attention then shot himself right in front of them.

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