This is the saddest thing you’ve ever read. No wonder Elon wants to get rid of the block function.

    by MoreMotivation


    1. VladtheInhaler999 on

      What level tantrum is this where you leave the Super Bowl (the highest viewing event of the year), drive to an airstrip, fly to San Francisco, and rage at your employees on a Sunday?

    2. It warms my heart that even with all the money in the world Leon can’t buy what he wants the most.

      It feels like a Monkey’s Paw cautionary tale.

    3. That’s what you get from men with god complexes that have no friends to bring them back to reality – their delusions are never put in check.

    4. I understand the hunt for fake internet points, I was also excited about one post here that had 10k upvotes. But I would actually reflect about myself before spending 40 billion just to get more upvotes.

    5. If I had millions of dollars, I’d get revenge on my past bullies to teach them no it’s not great to live rent free in someone’s head when they can hold you accountable and never do that shit to another person ever again, but after settling the score I would move on with my life and stop giving a fuck what people think about me after that. I have millions of dollars, their opinions of me don’t matter anymore. They never did but they matter even less now, I can relax while they continue to struggle.

      I don’t know how a guy like Elon can be rich, has something as cool as a literal private space company that launches stuff into space and still give a fuck what people think about him. If he really wants approval maybe he should take the criticisms to heart and learn to be a better person from them. If he isn’t gonna do that then he needs to stop caring cause it’s pointless to worry about it if he isn’t gonna learn from it.

    6. Elon Musk is proof that all the money in the world can’t change how he’s a miserable pathetic loser.

      No wonder he gets along with Trump so well. Both men have fragile egos and turn into whiny bitches the moment anything bruises it.

      Hell, even him being upset over President Biden getting more tweets sounds like Trump getting upset over Harris getting larger crowds at her rallies.

    7. Trident_Or_Lance on

      Musk is going to go batshit in the coming years and will eventually have to flee the USA. 

      I give it ten years max.

    8. Imagine having billions of dollars and then caring about how many likes you get. What a pathetic wretch lmao

    9. Is there any doubt as to why he bought Twitter? The richest guy in the world can get anything he wants, except for people to like him.

    10. If he removes the block function, he’ll be directly breaking both Google and Apple’s app guidelines, since any and all social media require a blocking feature.

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