The reason why many South Korean leftists turned to Luxemburgism…

    by onex7805


    1. During the right-wing military dictatorship in South Korea, there were instances where the books by and about Rosa Luxemburg–a libertarian socialist/left communist revolutionary–passed strict censorship because they were mistaken for travel books about the country of Luxembourg.

      Meanwhile, the books by Max Weber–a liberal and nationalistic sociologist–were mistaken for Marx and banned.

    2. Forever_Everton on

      During our 40(!) year long dictatorship era, we may genuinely have been more anti-communist than America with the shit they did

      Hey, a constant communist threat of war will do that but this shit is wild

    3. That’s why I’m naming my book about the history of races and race cars “Fast-ism”

      It’s about how some cars are superior to others and how car manufacturers should prioritise making cars for their own country rather than sharing them around the world

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