She called him a homo deep state plant.

    by Head-Selection-1415


    1. Candace Owens is a perfect example of how conspiracism and being “a free thinker” rots your brain and untethers you from reality.

    2. Ice Cube is kinda a shitty person now, but “When Will They Shoot” will always be a banger. Candace Owens is a traitor and a grifter.

    3. KendrickBlack502 on

      Ku Klux Kandace is the most powerful black mouthpiece of white supremacy in America. Her only function is to give white people the opportunity to say: “See! She thinks this too so I can’t be racist”

      Also, what’s up with the title? Cube’s response was fine. If anything, I wouldn’t have even given that fascist fuck the satisfaction of a response.

    4. Ah yes Mr. “I’d never have dinner with the president” but I will go to the White House and visit my buddy Trump.

      Not sure why we give Ice Cube any deference tbh

    5. *We called it Reality Rap but our first album’s third song is called Gangsta, Gangsta and we all made careers off of rapping about gang shit*

      Cube turned into such a disappointment. The Ice I fucks with nowadays is T.

    6. i dont know about create, but there was a definite push by popular media for “gangster” rap in the 90’s.

      before that you had Public Enemy, KRS and more with afrocentric revoluionary music being played

      all that went away and the gangsters came up

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