Today I found a watch that says Taco Time

    by lizatethecigarettes


    1. There is a restaurant chain in Idaho called Taco Time. The logo and the font look similar. And this seems a bit aged.
      Perhaps it is related!

    2. That’s a taco chain up in Canada. I really like it. My favorite go to place for fast food mexican. Logo is identical to the watch.

    3. Bitter_Kiwi_9352 on

      There are still Taco Time restaurants in Western Canada. That’s absolutely the source of this watch. Probably a corporate retirement gift.

      They kept the tater tots industry alive calling them “Mexi Fries” in our part of the world.

    4. Mmmmm Taco Time. 

      In case someone else hasn’t already said it, Taco Time is an American Mexican fast food chain.  They seem to be a dying breed though.  We lost ours a few years ago.  I still get a craving on occasions for their sweet pork burrito…

    5. Elegant_Category_684 on

      “Hey, do you know what time it is?”

      Me, wearing a Taco Time watch:


    6. Mohammed420blazeit on

      Taco Time was better than Taco Bell, but Taco Bell had that chihuahua and won the taco wars.

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