The type of meal that can only be bought with generational wealth 😭

    by alexaclova


    1. ThemHumansOverThere on

      This is making me wanna go get several five guys burger now. Haven’t had one in years.

    2. _window_shopper on

      Honestly, at what point do you say it’s easier to just make groceries with the money spent? Cuz this is around $60 spent dependent on tax in whichever state you’re in.

      $11.79 for a cheese burger and adding a patty for $2.50 gets you $14.29 per burger, multiply by 3 that’s $42.87. If she’s that hungry that’s probably a regular fry, $6.69, and a regular drink is $3.09.

      Total that’s $52.65 and if tax at this restaurant is 9 cents to the dollar that’s $57.39. (5 Guys asks for tips now but that’s a convo for another day)

      For $60 I think she could have made groceries but I can admit the burger wouldn’t have been as good, and if those are Cajun fries store bought wouldn’t have that same taste either.

      But if ya got it like that, ya got it like that. 🤑

    3. He did get *a* burger

      He did it three times, in fact


      Guards, bring me the form to fill out to have her taken away

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