There’s nothing ‘pro-life’ about it!! Vote America! You have a chance to fix this, do it!!

    by Beautiful_Force_8124


    1. Sufficient-Simple787 on

      It’s not “pro life” , it’s pro birth. Republicans don’t give a shit about the child after it’s born.

    2. Smiley_Face-Tranquil on

      Sauce: [](

      Repubs are monsters who fought for shit like this to happen for 50 years and they finally won. Anyone who says Repubs “used to be rational” and just have “policy differences” is delusional. Trump just gave them an excuse to show their ass in public. By definition, conservatives are regressive. Beating trump is just step one to squash this shit, we need to be prepared for the long haul.

    3. I know one side is definitely worse here but I will NEVER forgive Democrats for sleeping on “late/post term abortion” rhetoric. This is what that is.

      Late term – Not torturing a baby who will only live to suffer for minutes to hours.

      “Post term” (disgusting to even type that lie) – Not requiring “life saving” surgical care for a life that literally cannot be saved.

      There needs to be a PBS documentary or something. It is absolutely shameful that so many politicians just ignore the misrepresentation of the most victimized people imaginable. I know people don’t understand it, I know it’s terrible to talk about. Laws are being written to vilify these victims and it is unspeakably wrong to just say “the optics are bad”

    4. Typical. In a two party system, it is easy to come together and pass common sense legislation. Once that legislation is agreed upon, the left will always add pork to it and mess up the whole deal. Then they turn around and blame the right for not getting anything passed.

      That’s why we need Trump to call out this bs and get things done.

    5. NerdFromColorado on

      I’ve never seen a better argument for the statement, “Republicans only care about you until you’re born.”

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