Just Trump calling for a man who’s been dead for nearly 20 years to return to hosting. Imagine if Biden said this.

    by Hornpipe_Jones


    1. Really? Holy shit… Soon he will start calling for his father to come out and address the crowd. He’s so not well…

    2. Bonus is Newsmax calling Trump claiming Kamala Harris breaks things ‘breaking news’……

    3. started_from_the_top on

      Tired Trump

      Not All There Trump

      Thoughtless Trump

      …Dang, I wish I were as good at thinking up mean nicknames as Trump is lmao

    4. whereegosdare84 on

      It’s worse than just that Carson died in 2005, his last show was on May 22, 1992, over 32 years ago.

      32 years.

      This man is unwell and every one of his enablers, ie the Republicans, know it and are pure evil for not calling this out and forcing him to resign for the assisted living facility. This man is mentally unqualified to retrieve shopping carts in a grocery store parking lot but yet they think he’s fit to be president.

    5. If I read this correctly Donald went on the tonight show in 2015 with Johnny Carson… ?

      three you remember that guy when I first ran I was like **2015** thinking about


      running I was going to run **I went on a show** right and he goes The Tonight Show


      which is dying they’re all dying where’s **Johnny Carson** bring back Johnny it made you appreciate right Uncle s it made you


      appreciate the greatness of Johnny Carson of These Guys these three guys they’re so bad all three of them all


      three of them but this one I go on a show and he goes is that your real hair


      I said yeah he said do you mind if I mess it up I said I’d prefer no do you remember


      this I said I’d prefer it if you didn’t to be honest but if you have to so he


      grabs it and he starts really going crazy right and everybody laughed and it was a big thing it was a big hit it was


      all over the place and he got great ratings at all and 6 months later he


      went out because he was under pressure to apologize because he humanized Donald


      Trump do you remember and he made he stood up and he said I’d like to


      apologize 6 months ago or whatever it was I messed up Donald Trump’s hair and it humani


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