I cant believe that people will still try to argue that the Soviet Union was a progressive country

    by Angelzwingzcarryme


    1. The soviet union started as a progressive nation, with a lot of progressive laws (8h work day, right to vote for women, things like that), but yeah they quickly turned back on them due to the choice of “war communism” as an economic doctrine, the civil war “forcing them” to tighten authority… and they never went back to their early progressive start.

    2. DaBastardofBuildings on

      “Progressive” is always a relative concept and one that encompasses a lot lot more than just gay rights. Cmon, this shouldn’t be hard to.understand.

    3. Show me the post where someone was arguing that the USSR was progressive for LGBTQIA rights (you can’t because you made it up in your head)

    4. I remember seeing some tankie saying that he would be a champion of lgbt rights if he were alive today. Someone else responded with an article from Wikipedia saying that one of his first acts as premier was to recriminalize homosexuality. As in, it wasn’t illegal when he took power, but he decided it needed to be.

    5. unguibus_et_rostro on

      Progressive doesn’t simply mean gay rights or abortion. Eugenics was a progressive idea. USSR may or may not be progressive, but their oppression of gays is not the be all and end all of the discussion.

    6. Prestigious-Claim597 on

      Progressive is a matter of perspective.

      For a long time the concept of eugenics was considered more humane than leaving the disabled at the mercy of the streets, or in the institutions, or in freakshows.

    7. People argue that there’s a visible portal to hell open above the white house, and that you can smell brimstone when near a real Democrat. 🙄 

      This isn’t anything special. Like remotely.

    8. I assume since Stalin was alive it was the same time the U.S. was showing in class rooms that video about “Ralph has a sickness of the mind- he’s a homosexual…” because the whole world outside the USSR just loved gay people back then

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