Choose wisely

    by milkycocoagirl


    1. CarelessReindeer9778 on

      Every now and then I’ll think “maybe it’s not that bad, maybe I just did too much last time”, and waste a night panicking

    2. I did weed twice when I was under 18. The first had little to no effect and the second time was fun. Years later, I tried it again. It was bad. I had symptoms of psychosis and tactile hallucinations for years. I did it three more times in the same month or two since I didn’t want to waste what I got. Each time was horrible, though I convinced myself that the next time would be fine. In the span of maybe a month, I did it about three or four times, then stopped.

      My symptoms lasted 2 years. For two years I felt as if my organs were shifting in my body and air was escaping my lungs and moving about my chest, belly, back, and head.

    3. SpaceforceSpaceman on

      Not to sound like a prune but I take it Sativa and Indica are the two most popular strains but then why do people smoke it and get high? Is the anxiety a part of getting high or do most people just not experience the anxiety?

    4. There was a time when I could actually smoke by myself then relax and watch a movie until I passed out.
      Then I had a family emergency one day that forced me to go through a ton of real serious shit while high and it’s been nothing but anxiety and paranoia ever since. Even when smoking with someone else.

      I feel like if I could get that weak old shake again from the 90s that was 80% stems and seeds I could rebuild the psychological aspect by getting just a teensy bit high and work my way back up.

    5. I just bought a cart today, and I asked for Sativa, walked out, opened the box, and the bag the cart was in said indica, went back, something happened again, so I bought hybrid for that

      Saliva Anxiety

      Indica Anxiety

      Saliva Anxiety

      Indica Anxiety

    6. Stopped smoking after doing it daily for 6 years and now I have the worst anxiety. Hoping it subsides soon. It’s been a couple weeks

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