In Australia we use goats to clear bush-fire-prone areas

    by corporatemumbojumbo


    1. This is done a lot in California as well. Have seen some very large herds of goats in some of the more fire prone areas near me.

    2. We do both goats and sheep in California, the guys tending the flock will move to the property they’re working with a travel trailer/rv and stay there. One night one of the sheep gave birth but left its baby by itself 100 yards or so away from all the others. I went and woke the guy up and he said it was pretty common and if we just went and put the baby and the mother together and it would usually sort itself out.

    3. Homicidal-Lettuce on

      Are Australian goats giant like every other animal there?

      I figure Australia is like the giant world from super mario 3.

    4. In California, our new house backs up to a creek and we have metal fencing you can see through. We had goats back there for a couple days some months back. 🙂

    5. Gosh I saw the picture first and the first part of the sentence, and thought that you are using goats to clear landmines…

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