This is the World’s Largest Cave: Located in Vietnam, Son Doong Stretches 9km with Its Own Jungle and Rivers, and 200m Tall Chambers

    by xXDildomanXx


    1. if i remember correctly, my favourite part of this is it was discovered by a local woodsman, and later when British surveyors came by looking for caves, he literally couldn’t remember where it was

    2. It kind of sucks that I now know about this place. Something like this would be the coolest thing ever if it was a secret.

    3. expensive tour. Would take weeks to even begin to explore this cave system. It’s said they are limiting access to the cave in the interest of preservation.

    4. whyidoevenbother on

      What I wouldn’t give to sing a cappella music with a talented group of singers in an environment like this. I’ve only done a small handful of spelunking trips in my life, but they’re assuredly enchanting places to sing.

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