Sorry but this is fuckin dumb

    by guitarguy12341


    1. She said that she thinks cis people shouldn’t be making laws for trans people, but like… it’s a two party system and one party is clearly better for LGBTQ people whole the other wants to kill us.

    2. Why does a celebrity have to publicly endorse anyone. Ever. If they don’t want to, that’s their right

    3. Huh? So why doesn’t someone ask her what those things are and see if her and her constituency can be swayed? Apologies if I’m missing some context. If it turns out she’s a Trumper fine, some of her brethren may jump ship?

    4. Sometimes_A_Writer1 on

      On one hand they’re both going to advance America’s neocolonial interests. On the other hand having an idiotic unhinged imperialist is definitely scarier than a quieter one
      That said, why is anyone holding their breath to hear what a celebrity thinks about a candidate?

    5. I’m sorry, but who the fuck cares if she does or doesn’t endorse someone? Why do we always feel like pop stars owe us an explanation on how they are going to vote or what their position on a certain topic is??

    6. OP didn’t even mention that in the **same interview** she said her number one issue is trans rights

    7. TheDigitalPoint on

      The fact that people need to be told who to vote for, rather than think for themselves, is at least part of the problem.

    8. armadilloongrits on

      I think this is a perfectly reasonable take. Not everyone in the public eye should have to endorse people.

      I say this as someone that hopes Trump should be catapulted into a windmill farm.

    9. First off, this quote is from June, when Biden hadn’t even stepped down yet. She hasn’t said anything about Harris yet. Everyone calm down.

    10. Pop stars dont need to be involved in politics if they dont want to. A large purpose of their job is to entertain and distract from this exact bullshit. Who gives a fuck if she hasnt openly endorsed anyone.

    11. It’s actually not dumb at all. She’s right. The presidential election isn’t the only one that matters, and everyone should also be voting in local elections. If you need your fave to endorse a presidential candidate for you to decide who to vote for… you’re part of the problem.

    12. SaturnalianGhost on

      The whole endorsement idea is dumb.

      She’s right, don’t vote for who you’re told to vote for, vote for the party that does best by you and your country.

      She’s also 100% right about voting small. Change starts locally.

    13. I mean, Harris and Waltz’s endorsement and support of Israel are big reasons to not endorse them.

      Do I think they’re better than Trump? Infinitely.

      Do I think they still need to do better? Yeah.

    14. I’m so tired of celebrities thinking they’re so important. I’m a liberal, I’ll vote Harris but I don’t give a flying fuck what celebrities are endorsing her

    15. Independent_Ad_5615 on

      I actually find her comment rather smart. She isn’t saying to choose this person because she thinks they are better. She is saying to do your research and form your own opinion as to which candidate best supports you.

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