Maybe it’s because intellectual people are more likely to be democrats? No! That would be too simple. Impossible.

    by imcolingrey


    1. Budget-Bench-6202 on

      Perhaps there’s a link between education and critical thing??? /s

      Interesting thing about engineering – people who love rules.

    2. One of those absolute goobers commented “are republicans not smart, or is this favoritism?” and the original poster answered with “🤔”. Swear to god, you could convince these people that the sun’s been stolen during the night

    3. This probably has much to do with the reality that intellectuals are comfortable evaluating things outside of their safe space and sandbox.

    4. Right, Elon. Wow! The fact that most professors are Democrats should tell you something about your critical thinking about politics.

    5. Another way to put it is that republicans dominate stupidity. Therefore, “morons” are Republicans too.

    6. Agreeable-Pick-1489 on


      Now do a thing about why most basketball players are tall!!

      Then do one about how so many horse jockeys are short!!

      Cause man I tell ya, all that stuff is just so mystifying!!!

    7. Phhh! It’s just because High School and University will brainwash you, but you don’t need to go there to be smart! I never went and i know better than any of those fools!

      /s idiots always assume they’re smarter than most

    8. A lot of professors rely on public funding. One party likes publicly funding stuff for the greater good. The other likes the idea of shutting down the government if it doesn’t get its way.

    9. This is another example of the Dunning-Kruger effect: Republicans think they are smarter than they are. They can’t imagine that anyone outside of their party could be smarter than they are.

    10. It doesn’t take Einstein-level intellect to conclude that the more ignorant and less educated the voter, the more likely they are to support Trump.

    11. My thought on this is the same with musicians and actors. Republicans seem not to value these jobs and refuse to even let their kids show interest in them. If you spend your kids entire childhood disparaging education higher and lower and demanding that the books and schools that teach them be banned, you can’t really complain that you have no representation in the fields.

    12. At this point Elon, you should just background check every employee and only hire republicans since you think intelligent people being a democrat is somehow a conspiracy theory.

    13. There’s a reason Republicans are against education, And it is because it makes their minions easier to manipulate.

      Weirdly they get manipulated so much that they assume it’s universal instead of just Republicans

    14. As a professor…
      I have a few problems with this claim. It is “elite liberal arts colleges” which are really clustered in the Northeast. This is also why there are no results for Business faculty (who tend to be more right wing) – they don’t have many. Author found 23% were non-registered voters which makes a big difference for the claim – it represents “faculty who are voters” not just “faculty”. By the way, the study admits all these things- the image is what is misrepresentative. There’s yer critical thinking! [But it is nevertheless pretty much true].

    15. Can confirm that Elon is an uneducated imbecile. This is basically *admitting* he bought his way into where he is.

      Tax this fucker for Pete’s sake

    16. thegreenman_sofla on

      There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
      Isaac Asimov

    17. You mean the people who want to defund the education system, dismantle the department of education and reduce access to school lunches aren’t teachers? Weird!

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