Out for a little golf when this bobcat walked right by me.

    by Fkthisplace


    1. Accurate_Koala_4698 on

      Bobcats are right on the cusp of the *doesn’t look that threatening but will absolutely eviscerate you* line

    2. NoKaleidoscope4295 on

      Well, in the end, he’s still a cat. He turns his back to the human and sits with a ‘this is my territory now’ attitude. Ah, I love cats.

    3. TheManDownTheHall on

      Hearing the little kid asking “can I pet that dog” about a small bear but here it’s “can I pet that cat?”

    4. Imaginary_Eagle1852 on

      Now I’m wondering how these little assholes came about? Did a mountain lion catch a domesticated cat slipping? I’m genuinely curious.

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