Should have called them the Milkland sagas

    by Wuktrio


    1. In the Vinland sagas, Natives came to the Vinland settlement of the Norse and were willing to trade animal hides for strips of red cloth. The Norse kept tearing their red cloth into smaller and smaller strips but still the natives wanted to trade. Finally the red cloth was entirely gone. The Norse offered to trade cow’s milk for hides and the natives were willing to accept this. Everything appeared to be cordial and the natives left. The other saga tells of the natives returning shortly on the warpath. What seems likely is that the natives, being of Asian ancestry, could not digest milk. Milk would make them sick and they would think that the Norse had poisoned them. Thus the relationship between the Norse and the native degenerated into violence because of lactose intolerance.

    2. I don’t know how to make a meme of it, but I was reading about different locations The Vikings probably sailed to and explored. As far as the areas of Montreal & Boston (unlikely) and more likely Baffin Island

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