
    by Unusual-State1827


    1. IntelligentAd1752 on

      I like how in “Blink Twice” the security guard looked like epstein. Was epstein just security? Who really owned his island? Diddy? Trump?

    2. he said that Hollywood was full of Pedos and stuff. How do you think he knew. now look at all the others Diddy hang out with. Oprah, Obama, Beiber,and in and on and on. All of these elites that so many people adore for some odd reason are mostly horrible people off camera.​

    3. AValentineSolutions on

      There are days when I wonder if Catturd is to conservatives the way PETA is to animal rights activism – controlled opposition meant to make them look bad.

    4. I mean seriously. The poster is referring to themselves as a piece of cat excrement, what do you want?

    5. For someone who MAGAts claim isn’t a pedophile he sure likes hanging around lots of pedophiles. People are saying that’s weird.

    6. AlaskanSamsquanch on

      Was Diddys thing a pedo thing? I thought it was more like your garden variety sex trafficking.

    7. NaiveCryptographer89 on

      What if Donnie is the ringleader? He’s around all of them.


    8. For a man that’s never been criminally found guilty of a sex crime, he sure seems to enjoy the company of sex criminals.

    9. BuddyLoveGoCoconuts on

      Every. Single. Sign. Points to him being. One. Worshipped by the Christian right 🤡

    10. Oh so there should be videos of Trumpy all oiled up, talk about sick to my stomach thinking about that. 🤮

    11. He might get named Sexatary of State, a new Cabinet Post, that will be created Day 1!

      Day 1, sure is gonna be busy, isn’t it.

    12. Based on these pics, Diddy may be a vampire as well as the diddler.

      How does OrangeMan age a few noticeable decades in those shots? In only one does Diddy look any younger.

    13. Cornemuse_Berrichon on

      And now the Donald will come out and say at some point that he never knew Diddy or even met him.

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