One Nebraska man chose country over party.

    by littlerosexo


    1. Miss_Maple_Dream on

      Sen. Mike McDonnell, who’s a former democrat, has balls. *Seriously, that took bravery. 

    2. I guess Lindsey Graham’s trip to Nebraska was a waste of time … unless he found a bathhouse or some Daddy Dom who collared him.

    3. AlDHydeAndTheKetones on

      I’m not convinced this guy did anything on principle – he has a clear incentive to keep people in Omaha happy. That being said, I’m happy this path of ratfucking has been closed off to the GOP.

    4. If Trump is so eager for a winner takes all system, let’s just do the whole country as one. No more electoral college, no more swing states. If you can’t get the most votes, you can’t be president. 

    5. Isnt it already a winner take all system in every state in the electoral college system? Sorry for the noob question

    6. I’m so tired of it coming down to like one guy’s whims on whether democracy survives.

    7. If every state allocated electors according to votes received, the electoral college would actually work. No more losing by 3 million votes and still being handed the presidency.

    8. Good, I’m actually for a proportional split of electoral votes in ALL states. It would give more people hope that their vote counts for something. And more folks voting is a good thing.

    9. I wish more states would adopt the electoral college rules in Nebraska. There would be more voter participation as many people feel their votes don’t count in a winner take all format.

    10. It’s some meth-fueled brownshirt BS and we’re going to need to figure out how to stop this BS on every level in every state. Good to see people with integrity take a stand. We should do whatever we can locally to support the civil servants who are the bulwark against the erosion of norms in elections.

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