Shi Pei Pu, a Chinese Opera Singer from Beijing, China was sent to France to masquerade as a woman and used a 20-year long sexual affair with a French diplomat to steal information. Going as far as to buying a child (Shi Du Du) and insisting it as their son.

    by CobbleTrouble00


    1. Lord-Farquaad-11 on

      I feel like if it takes you 20 years to realize your partner is the same sex as you, you probably need to have a conversation with yourself.

    2. Silent-Balance-9530 on

      Also he was a Chinese spy. The French guy, Bernard Boursicot, was a civil servant working at the French embassy in China. The kid was provided by the Chinese Communist Party to keep Boursicot tied to Shi Pei Pu.
      Shi Pei Pu said his governement needed “favors” in order for them to keep seeing their son. Boursicot gave some classified documents, got caught and emprisoned for 6 years.

      There’s a great movie inspired by this story, *M. Butterfly* by Cronenberg.

    3. Ah, an expert for twenty years at the “turn off the lights and smuggle a heated grapefruit with a hole bored through it to simulate a vagina” trick.

    4. “ As recorded in his diary, Boursicot had previously had sexual relations only with fellow male students in school and wanted to meet a woman and fall in love.[3] He first met Shi, then 26 years old, at a Christmas party in December 1964; the performer was dressed as a man.[2]”

    5. This ain’t adding up, math ain’t mathing. 2 eggs and a sausage breakfast ain’t gonna taste same as a ripe peach on a flatbread

    6. Consistent_Solitario on

      I saw an exert of a Chinese opera the drunken wife 2 weeks ago, it was all my contact ever with Chinese opera, it was amazing, how the artist personified the character, moves, singing, wife and I were eff impressed. Not doubt these artist can do magic. We couldn’t find out if the artist was either man or woman .

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