Those poor, innocent IT specialists

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Serious_SnowBall161 on

      IT has placed your mailbox on litigation hold. No items can be deleted or altered because you were a dum fuck and now we have to protect ourselves legally.

      Honestly if I hosted anything for politicians I would enable lithold by default just to cover my ass.

    2. Working the abuse department at an ISP is one of the most miserable, soul-sucking job you can imagine, especially if you start getting requests for data from the feds because then you know you’re about to see some fucked up shit.

    3. throw_blanket04 on

      Because there is probably a whole hell of a lot more that he has said and done and he knows they will find it.

    4. Dude’s search history probably reads like HP Lovecraft, it’s all tentacles, fish people, and racism.

    5. Initially he blamed the comments on AI (which wasn’t invented until after he made those comments in 2010.)

    6. If Simon & Garfunkel wrote ‘Mr. Robinson’…

      >And here’s to you, Mr~~s~~. Robinson
      ~~Jesus~~ **Donald** loves you more than you will know
      Woah, woah, woah
      **GOP** ~~God~~ bless you, please, Mr~~s~~. Robinson
      ~~Heaven~~ **Prison** holds a place for those who ~~pray~~ **prey**
      Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey
      We’d like to know a little bit about you for our **prosecution** files
      ~~We’d like to help you learn to help yourself~~
      Look around you, all you see are **un**sympathetic eyes

    7. NovelRelationship830 on

      Why bother investigating the truth when simply saying ‘That’s a lie’ is good enough for the MAGAts?

    8. You’d think an innocent person being set up would welcome some experts weighing in to help prove his innocence.

    9. Well… I might have been a member of naked Africa, but somebody hacked my account, and posted those slanderous, salacious posts.

    10. Comfortable_Swim_380 on

      In my field. I heard story about a CFO that requested a audit of the network for a company all hands meeting. He had planned to publicly shame the worst offender.

      Problem was the CFO apparently was the worst offender when the tech found loads of kitty porn on his machine. Audit the network means the entire network.

      The tech approached him about it and without getting a word in edgewise the CFO barked I don’t care about the name just do as you were told why are you bothering me about the name.

      Ooookay he replied. So he did what he was told and prepared the presentation as instructed a long diatribe were the CFO would stand up there and publicly shame himself.

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