When you accept a debate that you weren’t invited to 🤦‍♂️

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Mikeyjoetrader23 on

      Jill Stein was definitely the kid that showed up to parties her siblings were invited to… and she wasn’t…

    2. Um…She wasn’t talking to you, Jill

      In fact, nobody is…


    3. Jill Stein still running for president? He’s been running for president since I was a kid and I’m in my 40s.

    4. The Russian Czarina of PickMe’s.

      I can’t wait until the election cycle is over and she goes back under whatever bridge it is she calls home.

    5. Ok_Mycologist8555 on

      I’m sorry, who is this lady?

      (I am aware of who she is. The comment was made for comedic purposes to emphasize how insignificant she is to this election)

    6. Logical_Willow4066 on

      A lot of people are voting for her “because she’s against genocide.”

      The problem is that Jill Stein has taken money from Lockheed Martin. They are a major defense contractor for the federal government and have provided ammunition and weapons to Israel.

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