Elon Musk to remove the block button on Twitter

    by MoreMotivation


    1. I-miss-old-Favela on

      I guess Captain Hairplugs just got round to reading the memo about how many users have blocked his obnoxious arse. 

    2. Is this because I set up an account the other week and instantly blocked him? I guess a lot of other people have the same idea haha

    3. Good thing I got off Twitter the day this white nationalist asshole bought the place. He is a purely degenate, disgusting example of a human being. Hopefully, he will soon end up on the rubbish heap of history.

    4. Good thing I got off Twitter the day this white nationalist a**hole bought the place. He is a purely degenate, disgusting example of a human being. Hopefully, he will soon end up on the rubbish heap of history.

    5. Why would anyone stay with twitter and have Elmer’s shit forced on people. He loves dominating people. Thinks it’s his right.

    6. He keeps talking about it and then I suspect his legal department reminds him of the EU legislation and how much defending that might cost in court… given he just caved in to Brazil I don’t see it happening.

    7. He never understood what Twitter was or how any of it worked.

      And it was never about “free speech” it was about making other people listen to far right speech. Removing the block button means you now have to listen to their inane blather and they don’t have to listen to yours.

    8. And they wonder why people are leaving that platform in droves. I deleted it 3 years ago and have not missed it for even a second.

    9. I quit twitter the minute this guy bought it. You don’t need that app. My life continued on just fine without it. In fact I think twitter is a massive stress inducer.

    10. If you are still on Twitter, ya get what is coming to you. Oy vey, move on and let the dumb platform die.

    11. EverynLightbringer on

      So a woman will no longer be able to keep someone stalking them on Twitter. Incels rejoice!

    12. Individual_West3997 on

      didn’t they already go through this and figured that you couldn’t get rid of it because apple TOS says that social media apps HAVE to have the block feature? If Elon has twitter get rid of the block button, that’s like taking his already insanely diminished userbase and cutting it in half.

    13. I’ve never used Twitter and don’t plan to, so I technically don’t even have a horse in this race

      But this sounds fucking stupid and pointless to do. Besides the shitheads who got blocked from stalking people, who even asked for this?

    14. I briefly used Twitter to keep up with some finance news lately and all I get is promoted spam from nazis and pro trump garbage. It got tiring blocking that shit but good to know I may as well delete my account now since block is useless soonz

    15. Didnt he try this last year? And he was told that Play and App store will have to remove Twitter bc it goes against social media policies

    16. So blocking isn’t really blocking. Cool. With every passing day I feel validated in shutting down my twitter account.

    17. JasterBobaMereel on

      So he want’s a block button that does not block …. but will claim the site still works …

    18. I block every bluetick I see saying anything remotely stupid. I’m over 10,000 and now Leon says it’s all for naught?

    19. What, again? He’s tried this before and backed off.

      Because obviously he’s having another diaper tantrum about how many people personally blocked him.

    20. And Twitter is getting banned from both the App Store and Play Store, according to app stores policies you HAVE to have a block button if you want to publish a social media app.

    21. He won’t allow himself to be blocked. This is the entire reason he bought Twitter, to always be the center of attention since his daddy didn’t love him and none of his many mistreated children and ex wives and mistresses want to hear from him. He is going to force those children he drove away to hear his bullshit while he attempts to form his own cult of personality like trump did. That will finally make his kids realize they are on the wrong for wanting to be their own persons and come flocking back to Elon because he’s so cool now.

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