THEY trying to take down another black man

    by Rekdon


    1. Crisis-Counselor on

      Ok so I guess there’s a joke here with some layers …because I was confused as hell like Boosie ain’t ever in his life gonna have enough money to buy NBC and this nigga is a lifetime criminal why would anybody be surprised about him getting arrested

    2. Jack_Torrance_91 on

      Anyone remember when he was live streaming in like a planet fitness trying to blame Bill Cosby’s victims?

      “Bitch you knew what was in them dranks, you at pill Cosby’s house”

    3. SecretlyMadeOfStone on

      I hear he was just about to drop all the secrets of how the aliens created vaping and porn to enslave humanity for their meat farms on Venus.

    4. Damn, and he was JUST about to tell us the Krabby Patty secret formula. Life crazy like that 😔😔😔🙏🙏

    5. Yeah Boosie ain’t the one to use as a poster child for this. The movement can skip this one.

    6. VapidRapidRabbit on

      Hooked up with P. Diddy in New York City and is gonna be in the prison as him too, I’m afraid…

    7. BernieLogDickSanders on

      Well he basically committed sex trafficking by hiring sex workers to engage in sexual acts with his sons.

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