Rather poorly aged news article

    by PocketPlanes457


    1. SignInWithApple_TM on

      “Five hundred dollars? Fully subsidized? With a plan? I said, ‘That is the most expensive phone in the world and it doesn’t appeal to business customers because it doesn’t have a keyboard, which makes it not a very good email machine.’ A $99 Motorola Q Windows phone is a very capable machine. It will do music. It will do internet. It will do email. It will do instant messaging. I kinda look at that and I say, ‘I like our strategy. I like it a lot.’”

    2. It was maybe 1993, I was visiting a customer. He said the world wide web is coming. He said it open up and change the world. He gave me a short overview. I had no idea what he was talking about.

    3. In their defense Web 1.0 blew. Dial-up sucked and was so slow. Email and chat rooms were about all the first iteration of the internet was good for. We’re spoiled now- phones provide constant high speed connections and as a population we look for anything to keep our minds busy, if only for a moment. The internet is great, but 90% of the time I use it, it’s a complete waste of time.

    4. I think if we never got past dial up technology there may have been a chance it would much less utilized. But yeah, the internet was never gonna die off once it was available.

    5. When my husband was saying we should get internet for the first time way back in the old days, I asked him, “why do we need the internet?” He still makes fun of me for it.

    6. I remember reading articles like that back in the 90s. I was involved in early ISPs, and the push to do cool things overshadowed the available infrastructure at the time. You REALLY had to want something to get it on the Internet.

    7. Okay, that take in December 2000 was just dumb. The last year in which that would have maybe been defensible was 1996, I’d say.

    8. This is like me saying that I don’t believe some invention will ever be implemented in real life just to realize that there are 100’s of products built because of that invention.

    9. Insomniac_Steve on

      Daily Mail didn’t like the idea that information would be freely available. They also didn’t like black people, foreigners, gays or poor people. Basically they’re awful, awful people pushing hateful disinformation and propaganda. That pesky internet would make information more freely available than ever before, which is why they didn’t want it to succeed.

    10. QualityKoalaTeacher on

      Half right. A lot of the main things the internet was used for at the time did turn out to be fads. AOL, geocities, torrents.

      Social media alongside smartphones changed the whole landscape of what we knew as the internet.

    11. Well I for one don’t use it anymore, you can keep your ‘interweb’ or whatever it’s called. I prefer the old system.

      Back in the day, there were boards. Bulletin Board Systems. BBS’s. No Net, no Web, no cyberspace, nothing. Just boards, and their ugly stepchildren, D-Dials. All strung together with phone lines, hand-rolled software, and 8-bit computers. No backbone, no hubs, no routers, no DNS tables. Just one computer picking up the phone, calling another, and having a little chat.

      So now it is just me and my old 300 Baud Modem and Bulletin Boards 😏

      PS: Damn I am really showing my age here!

    12. GirlieButtQueen on

      Yeah that’s one big problem today is people believing rumors that fit their worldview, without seeking the truth or evidence

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