just admit you dont actually care, if you did care about change you’d do it right. tipping is stupid but dont pretend you’re trying to make a difference if you refuse to do it but still eat at sit down restaurants (note: only talking about waiter wage jobs)

    by beomint


    1. At the same time, waiters are going to eat you alive if you propose to outlaw tips in exchange for higher base wage, because they profit from this system on average.

      If waiters choose to live from tips, why shouldn’t customers fuck them over? I would say the waiters are actively choosing this fate.

    2. Sales people work on commission. Tipping is a form of commission that directly reflects the quality of the waiter’s work.

    3. as a customer, how do I find out if a restaurant owner is paying the staff “a living wage”?

    4. I get where you’re coming from, but sometimes the system forces us into tough choices. It’s not always as simple as ‘all or nothing.

    5. I mean … the waiter / waitress shouldn’t agree to work at under minimum wage if we are using the same logic.

      Fact is people should just stop tipping all together and force the waitresses / waiters to quit their job.

      The reason it’s still around is because servers actually make more money this way. They won’t quit on their own.

      Really the best solution is to just not eat out anyway, I’m doing my part lol.

    6. The owner will care if the waiters all quit because they’re not making enough money, which will happen whether you go and don’t tip, or don’t go at all.

      If you don’t go, the restaurant will simply fail. If you go and don’t tip, the owner will want/need to keep operating, so he’ll have to pay enough that he can keep his waitstaff.

    7. Fluid-Opportunity-17 on

      The anti-tipping crowd are just being selfish, and then virtue signaling about it. Feck off, ye gowls.

    8. RandomUser27597 on

      Think people care more if the kitchen is clean rather than what the waiter is payed. You still don’t go check the back before eating there, no?

    9. MegaDonkeyKong666 on

      Here in UK we don’t have a tipping society. So restaurants put a “service charge” which is the tip. Way more awkward to ask to have it removed. If you don’t tip then restaurants will find a way.

      For everything else though, if you don’t tip then the job would become less attractive. So companies would increase wages to attract employees

    10. LionHeartedLXVI on

      OP when he loses his job, because no one comes to his restaurant anymore:


    11. higgildy_welcome on

      Tipping culture is so ingrained, it feels like we’re stuck in a cycle. Real change requires more than just individual actions—it needs systemic reform.”

    12. External-Chemical-71 on

      Between tipping culture, sales taxes added at point of sale and various gratuities added on after the quoted price: It puts me off even visiting the US tbh. Here in Europe, by law (EU not even local laws) the advertised price is the price you pay. This applies to goods in shops, services and restaurant menus.

      I honestly don’t know how or why you put up with it.

    13. Waited tables when in high school. I made more per hour average than any other worker, including the manager. Average restaurant wait staff have 5 tables. Rotate customers every hour. Most tips are $5 or more. So $25/hr from tips. Add in the minimum wage for wait staff. $2.13 federal rate. So $27.13/hr. Most other staff make $15/hr or less. Even with California’s $20 min wage, wait staff still make more. If restaurant servers alcohol, the tip amount also increases.

    14. Nah.

      The staff prefer tips. They prefer tips over wages because people overpay on tips.

      The solution is to make the employees prefer wages over tips. Thus, the solution is to tip smaller amounts, or none at all.

      I tip 10% at restaurants and I don’t tip anywhere else.

    15. Or the employees need to stop letting this be the normal and stand up for themselves. Of course most won’t because booooy can you make a lot in tips at a good place.

    16. And if the staff cared, they’d refuse to work for restaraunts that serve tipping wages?

      You choose a job where your salary was gambling on whether you’d get your deserved pay or no, so it’s your fault if you lose.

    17. Pretty_Log_2415 on

      If I’m standing you don’t get a tip unless you’re making me a drink in which case it is $1 for a beer or coffee and $2 for a cocktail. 

      No, I’m not tipping 20% when you’re a cashier and I pick up my food and bus my own table. 

    18. Yes, I don’t care. As a tourist, the last thing I’m worried about is if a random waiter in a random restaurant is being paid enough.

    19. Yep what’s better then not tipping them? Letting them lose their job completely due to lack of business.

    20. Quick question. If I’m tipping, isn’t the waiter the one who gets the bonus. The waiter who doesn’t do anything but bring the menus, food and act polite – when in fact the food is good because of the good ingredients that were bought by the restaurant, transported to the restaurant and then prepared by the chef. So in my eyes, the waiter had the least amount of work put into it and yet expects a reward. So instead, how about you kindly off with your tipping culture?

    21. I’m going to boycott Reddit if we can’t stop talking about how much we hate tipping every day.

    22. TheBlackRonin505 on

      Everybody wants Nestlé to die. Has ANYBODY stopped supporting Nestlé? Of course not, I guarantee you’ve got at least three Nestlé products in your home, every single person here.

      It’s much easier to say that you want change than actually go out and change your lifestyle to bring about that change, and the few who do it aren’t nearly enough to make a difference. I’m guilty of it, you’re guilty of it, we’re all guilty of it.

    23. Good argument. I will still, without fail, roll my eyes at the “vote with your wallet” argument.

    24. Stop boycotting tipping because no server or bartender actually wants an hourly wage lmaoo. They make so much off tips, usually more than the restaurant GMs

    25. fallingbutslowly on

      its not the restaurants fault, its the laws fault. how is it legal to underpay your workers because of tips? your country crazy

    26. But if the server make’s below minimum wage without tip the owner must make up for the difference between his salary and no tip minimum wage making them care.

    27. This is why I hate all these stories about not tipping. You’re going to a restaurant in America, you know tipping is not only prominent, but relied upon by waitstaff. Sure, this shouldn’t be the case, but stiffing your server isn’t going to “dismantle the system”, it’s just cheaping out.

    28. In every place I’ve ever lived waiters are paid at least minimum wage plus tips. Plus people only want tipping culture to die because it’s getting out of hand in the first place.

    29. it’s weirder in Canada because you make the same wage as any other retail/minimum wage worker and yet you see places in Toronto and Waterloo that ask for 30% tip.

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