Fossil Fool Fails Geography

    by T_Shurt


    1. Just_the_nicest_guy on

      It’s so weird that Trump’s campaign keeps releasing media that has pictures and videos you’d get from Russian stock libraries rather than American stock libraries.

    2. If the pictures also contained the Shutterstock watermark, they are too cheap to pay the money to license it.

    3. Honestly, it is amazing – never in our lives will we see a Presidential have more gaffes in his/her campaign.

      I guess if you just have a disaster every day of your campaign, nothing sticks long enough to tank the campaign.

      Dukakis had his driving a tank with a helmet on – remember when Trump pretended to drive that dump truck like an idiot

      Bush Sr. “Read My Lips, No New Taxes” – Trump telling us “If I lose to Joe Biden, you’ll never hear from me again”

      Quayle can’t spell potato. Remember Trump pronouncing Yosemite

      Howard Dean Scream – Trump pretending to lift weights, his weird dance, all of his odd inaudible noises he makes on the campaign trail

      Jeb Bush “Please Clap” – Trump consistently telling us his rallies are the biggest in history (best comparison I had, maybe there’s a better moment.)

      Seriously, this man has had an endless amount of moments that would end anyone else’s campaign. This is just another example in the endless examples.

    4. Don’t worry, I’m sure Trump will fire whoever made this mistake. And then they will be able to write a book about it too!

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