Spain haters logic be like:

    by Salguih


    1. Yet these people rarely raise an eyebrow over the dozens of British archipelagos out there (looking at you, Falklands).

    2. By that logic, Ireland and New England not a British colony, cause it was held before the Acts of Union.

    3. Mountain-Cycle5656 on

      Mexico, and indeed all of the core of Spain’s empire in South America were colonies before Spain existed (1715) as before that the crowns were seperate.

    4. Get this : Spain still invaded a territory populated by Amazigh people, which are African. Making the Canary Islands culturally part of Africa. Spain established COLONIES on the Islands, making the Islands a colony in the proper meaning of the word.

      You don’t have to be a hater to affirm that

    5. Me cansa ver cada dos por tres memes de nacionalistas españoles. No tienen ninguna gracia, dejad de ser follatercios

    6. Imminent_tragedy on

      And your point is? This just makes it a Castilian colony lmfao, it doesn’t matter which state annihilated the local population

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