Like those videos of the 60s kids predicting the future

    by FonzieTheHitchhiker


    1. 00notmyrealname00 on

      I’ve seen a few of these videos before. They strike me more akin to a practical application of a Rorschach test where a person’s personality and belief systems are applied to the abstract idea of ‘the future’. My point is, I think this says more about the little girl herself then the impression of children as a whole.

      Also, she was pretty damn close about the whole dog thing. While dogs are popular, who knew the internet would be ruled by cats? I mean, they are on hats, shirts, book bags, the works. What an incredible insight she had – completely on accident.

    2. FonzieTheHitchhiker on


      >!This is modern satire, a creative spot of trolling! Sorry to burst your bubble I just didn’t know it would actually fool people this well and I’m not trying to genuinely deceive people, just cause a little confusion and maybe a chuckle 😭 !<

    3. She was right about the flying cars, except instead of cars they’re just shitty planes that fall out of the sky made by Boeing

    4. there_is_no_spoon1 on

      friggin’ Nostradamusa right here. She knew what was gonna be up, especially with the cows. Goddamn no one else saw that coming.

    5. R2_D2aneel_Olivaw on

      Gateway had cow themed PCs (advertisement) back in the day and I have to pick up and carry my dog’s shit when we go on walks. So she’s not entirely wrong.


      I’m pretty sure this is today just with a filter on it. The picture clarity is too good for it to be from back in the day. Also the frames seem too high as well.

      Edit: I just started reading the comments and yeah this is OP just messing about.

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