They lie so blatantly

    by Sometypeofway18


    1. Invisible-Pancreas on


      Evidence has emerged that Kamala Harris is secretly Pol Pot, infamous Cambodian dictator and slaughterer of approximately two million civilians, thought to have been dead since 1998!”

      Source: trust me bro.

    2. This is way Brazil is being firm with Twitter and why the EU is signaling they are about to shake a big stick at Xitter

    3. Careless_Ad_2402 on

      The sad thing is that you can get banned for calling Elon Musk cis, but not get banned for this misinformation bullshit.

    4. Well he is a convicted rapist with several accusations of under age sex……..ooops, seem to have confused him with that orange looking idiot who can’t form a coherent sentance again

    5. DrChimRichaulds on

      Wrong cultists.

      While I’m sure there’s overlap, the Penn State/JoePa cult has distinct differences.

    6. What is this guy? A pro gamer? Does he thinks its wise to weigh into an election with how vicious the gaming community can be?

    7. Checked the responses to that tweet. They’re infuriating. Avoid it if you value your mental health

    8. Lying is all they have. No policy, no achievements, no morals, no platform, no respectability, nothing but lies.

      Republicans **HATE** America.

      Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. 

      Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it.

      It very likely does.

    9. DrinkyDrinkyWhoops on

      This is a good reason why you don’t put up with “jokes” that would have very serious consequences or have extremely racist, misogynistic, or otherwise bigoted and evil undertones. “It’s just a joke, bro, have a sense of humor,” turns into this on purpose.

      And before it becomes an issue, there is a very meaningful difference between making jokes about a guy who fucks a couch and making up stories about someone being a pedophile. Anyone who says the two are the same is, quite frankly, a liar.

      Anyone who cares about children would like that Walz enacted school programs to feed hungry kids. They would also despise Donald for sneaking backstage to see underage pageant girls change (his own admission). Full stop.

    10. BREAKING: New leaks indicate that the kids on Jim Jordan’s wrestling team commonly referred to him as “Gym Sandusky”.

    11. This is 99.9% likely to not be true, obviously.

      But people referencing something before a scandal becomes public is not unheard of, see the recent P Diddy accusations. Or the Cosby stories.

    12. I started watching Sharyl Attkisson having an interview with Donald Trump on her program Full Measure. After a few minutes I gave up because she was just feeding him softball questions and letting him lie over and over again. What a pathetic effort on her part. A total sellout.

    13. PM_ME_UR_RESPECT on

      I am loving all these BREAKING posts by MAGAts

      “BREAKING: Mom said it’s my turn on the computer to post complete nonsense.”

    14. NovelRelationship830 on

      BREAKING: Here’s another lie based on something we read on the internet.

      Every. Single. Time.

    15. It’s funny how these dumbasses type “BREAKING NEWS” before following up with some of the most brain dead statements ever and the cherry on top is that most of it is just made up shit.

    16. No-Environment-3298 on

      When one of their top guys (Vance) openly admits on mainstream media that he makes shit up for attention, why should we believe anything.
      Also fact checkers proved they make up a new conspiracy or revive an old one about every two to three days or so. Will probably escalate as we get even closer to the election.

    17. They lie because they know Elmo wants and allows them to. He claims he is fighting for free speech. He’s really just fighting for people on the right to have the right to make up blatant lies with no accountability.

    18. The Republican ‘Party’ is a fraud. It’s literally 800 billionaires, a whole lot of fascists, and an extraordinary number of gullible idiots who consistently vote against their own best interests. It’s not a real political party at all.

      [WTF Happened in 1971](

      [The Nixon Shock](

      [Time to Call the Republican Party’s 60-Year Plot What It Is: Treason](

      [Yes, Kamala is the only rational choice for POTUS. But a lot of America isn’t thinking or acting rationally right now.](

      [J D Vance, ultra fascist](

      *”Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America”* by Nancy MacLean

    19. Imagine how irreparably broken you’d have to be to just blatantly make shit up as an adult. Imagine how stupid you’d have to be to believe it all

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