Calling first names

    by Ryanbicli


    1. I can understand the anger if it’s high school, but I feel like if it was collage or university they wouldn’t care all that much, you’re all adults at that point. Disclaimer! I dropped out of high school, so take this with a litre of salt.

    2. In Denmark were not formal at all, we call the teachers by their first name. Super weird to me that being called your first name would be offensive in any way, to me it shows nothing about disrespect, it’s your freaking name, Jesus Christ.

    3. At my school we use to call some teacher by their last name like “Yo Smith!”

      It was a small school with cool teachers

    4. StpPstngMmsOnMyPrnAp on

      I’m glad my teachers weren’t this unhinged. How is it justified that young adults have to adress you as mister or teacher when if they don’t you respond with the most childish “what the actual fuck did you just call me” yeah I’m looking at you Rosemary

    5. Where I come from, we also called teachers by their names but addressed them with “teacher” first.

    6. ButWhatIfItsNotTrue on

      It really shows how many of those teachers are power control freaks. Someone uses their name and they’re shouting,threatening punishment, and doing a whole “really?” thing. Only two of them were cool with student messing around with them.

    7. My teachers were a mixed bag of “You must refer to me by Mr./Mrs.Surename or else!” and “please, Mr./Mrs.Surename was my mother/father.”

      Then I had a history teacher that insisted on only being called either “Your Majesty” or “Kevin”

      His name was not Kevin.

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