Armed school resource officer shoots himself

    by water_fountain_


    1. On the bright side, nobody took advantage of his injury to steal his gun. Let’s just hope he get sent back for weapons certification before he resumes his job.

    2. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      Well, duh. Clearly the solution is to give them bigger guns. It’s harder to shoot your self with an assault rifle.

    3. Cool_Butterscotch_88 on

      If only some of the teachers and students were also armed, they could have prevented him from doing this.

    4. What could possibly go wrong? Ah, never mind. Only one question – if there now was a good guy with gun close by, would he have to shoot himself to be of help?

    5. Schrödinger’s Resource Officer- he’s both a good guy with a gun and a bad guy with a gun

    6. Remember folks our cops are barely qualified to hold their own guns and these knuckleheads want to arm every teacher lmao 

    7. School resource officer is a sign of a failed society.

      Can’t imagine having the need for that here


      So a link to an article which may or may not be the article that this was cross-posted from or whatever you call it.

      I’m not sure what the significance of them not mentioning how the weapon went off but apparently the officer in question was seated with the firearm in the holster.

      I’m going to see if we get more details before I start making fun of the guy

    9. Let me guess it’s a sig p320. The info has been out about these firearms for quite a while now. Anyone still carrying one of these pistols is an idiot.

    10. See! This shows Having an armed officer in the schools stops the people with guns! Good job officer!


    11. There’s really nothing like that feeling of your finger on the trigger, followed by that burning sensation in your thigh.

    12. Remember, according to Republicans, the answer to school shootings is to arm people in the school.

    13. Silent_Owl_6117 on

      He was a good guy with a gun just trying to stop a bad guy with a gun. Or maybe schools just aren’t the place to have armed guards.

    14. Resident_Repair8537 on

      Marshal programs are popping up all over Texas.

      Marshals are appointed by the school board. They are only required to complete an 80-hour training program at a law enforcement academy and pass a psychological exam.

    15. Unbelievable that he’d not be extra safe with his firearm in the school he’s assigned to protect

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