Mongoose VS King Cobra

    by jupzter05


    1. Mongoose have **specialized acetylcholine receptors** that make them less sensitive to cobra venom, allowing them to survive bites that would be lethal to other animals. Mongooses use their quick reflexes and sharp teeth to deliver fatal bites to cobras, often targeting the back of the snake’s head

    2. I always thought they (mongoose) needed space to dodge the bites/attacks but this is some serious one on one combat. It’s kind of badass that the mongoose is a cobra killing machine.

    3. Yummy_BabyLove0312 on

      mongoose looks cute and helpless but is one of the few animals that prey on snakes.. and are immune to their venoms..

    4. In the classic showdown, the mongoose often wins due to its agility and quick reflexes, while the cobra relies on its venomous bite. It’s a fascinating battle of speed versus poison.

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