Russian soldier surrenders to a drone

    by Exotic-Strawberry667


    1. MarlonShakespeare2AD on

      So what happens to him next?

      In a practical sense I mean. Follow the drone. Are nearby soldiers alerted? Etc.

    2. He could literally have been forced into the military, where he would be killed if he deserted or did not follow orders. So this is extremely sad. I only ever am thrilled to see/hear about destruction of munitions depots, aircraft, ships, etc. with minimal casualties. The sooner Russia can be rid of Putin and anyone like him, the better off they’re going to be and at least this part of the world can start healing.

    3. That is fucking heartbreaking. I hate this useless war so much. So many broken homes, families, lives. Stay strong, Ukrainians! And at the same time I also feel for those poor cannonfodder soldiers on the Russian side as well. Thrown into a war of aggression that they probably not support themselves and were probably enlisted forcefully or under threat. Fuck Putin and his enablers.

    4. modern war is horrifying. you can literally see what its like to be on the firing end of a gun, high definition cameras capturing every brutal moment. the fear in his eyes and the quivering of his throat. the drone just stares back at him, scanning him up and down making an unknowable judgement. then the video can get streamed in full resolution all around the world where people can watch your death over and over, share it, save it, and talk about it in languages you dont even know.

    5. How they haven’t devised drones with radios or alarms (for over the sea/swimmers) is beyond me. Or a simple flashing green or flashing red light? The most painful thing to watch with interactions like this is that the other party has no clue what to do.

    6. Such heartbreaking thing this war is. All quiet on the eastern front needs to be written. And I hope it details these moments.

    7. Snipers use to be the only ones who could see the eyes and reactions from their enemy. This is a whole new level of intimate combat and I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of these operators have to deal with some serious trauma. Especially with them trying to help the guy and his own comrades shoot at him while there’s not much the operator can do to help.

      This war is depressingly stupid.

    8. This might be awful to say but it was kind of funny to see a drone do the head turn left and right to say “No, wrong way”. That was kind of surreal to see

    9. Rough-Attorney-6909 on

      Ive seen alot of these videos where they show no mercy and Just blow that white flag waving russian to pieces. So its refreshing to see some humaity

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