
    by 427Powered


    1. fulthrottlejazzhands on

      My wife and I have a few friends who are bell ringers for events in churches across the SE UK. They get paid well, and use it as an excuse to hit the pub after.

      They once took me and my wife along for a practice session and let us do some of the ringing. I recall them saying the cardinal rule was to **let go of the rope on the upswing** as the bells can weigh upwards of 1000lbs. My wife, who weighs about a buck thirty, promptly forgot this rule and went for a not-so-fun ride into the rafters. Luckily, I and a few of the other ringers were there to catch her.

    2. Bro casually looking out to see if man’s pancaked down below. Shrugged ‘nah seems good’ and back to sitting there doing fuck all 😂

    3. I learned to ring tower bells in high school. It’s really terrifying. The instructor made it clear why we stood next to the walls, with a big open space in the center of the tower. That’s where a bell would come through on its way to the ground.

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