1. How I long for day when we no longer have to hear from this idiot.

      At least I know we’re closer to the end of this nightmare than the beginning. He’s been talking nonstop since 2015, so I really doubt this will carry on until 2033. I doubt this dumb shitball will be quite so talkative when he’s 87, assuming he’s even still alive.

    2. Flimsy-Discount2885 on

      Americans, please start treating orange skin as you do any other minority and shut this man up permanently.

    3. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      And he will stop the dust, by building a wall. And it will be stopping dust at a level never seen before.

    4. I remember talking to my father when I was in college (late 80’s) about AIDS. We were both rather intoxicated and just having some interesting conversations. He said “The truckers brought it back from Vietnam”. We joked and laughed about that until he died in the late 90’s because it was totally stupid and said while drunk.

      But I swear I hear things from Trump that are just as crazy and Trump is sober. That man is totally crazy

    5. Well, people will believe him because he’s Trump and it’s blaming “CHAI-NAH” ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)

    6. If this guy is in charge of national security we’re all screwed. Get him back to the old folks home immediately.

    7. “Dust” is Norwegian for “idiot”, so if he meant it like that he is right.

      Some idiot flew in from China

    8. FourArmsFiveLegs on

      Of course he starts covering for his daddy Xi lmao. Went from lab leaks to “that dust must’ve been blowly”

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