Stop it, he’s already dead

    by DaMain-Man


    1. The fact that they think she doesn’t care about the future because she doesn’t have children really says a lot about how that side thinks. They don’t care about anything unless it impacts them directly. It’s why they don’t care about marginalized groups. They’re not in them, so they don’t give a damn. They are selfish.

    2. SimpleAppeal2577 on

      Ah yes. The woman who is a parent to 2 kids doesnt care about the future. But the gargoyle that wants to fuck his own daughter definitely does.

    3. It would be nice if he had zero chance of winning, but this is the same man that 63 million American assholes elected in 2016, so let’s not pretend that it’s impossible for him to win.

    4. Donnie may care about the future of his family, but couldn’t care less about the future of your family.

    5. They’re really telling on themselves every time they trot out this, “If you don’t have kids, you don’t care about the future of the country, or everyone in it,” narrative.

      Because, for them – they can’t conceive of caring about anyone or anything that’s not directly related to *them.*

      Like – bro, just because I don’t have kids, doesn’t mean I don’t care about other peoples’ kids. I WEEP for the world we are leaving behind for future generations. The lack of empathy these people display would be stunning, if it wasn’t so ubiquitous.

    6. i guarantee trump can’t name those ten grandkids, and i’m willing to bet he’d struggle naming all five kids

    7. All this does is prove that number of children is a terrible metric for measuring how much someone cares about the future. I feel like even most republicans must struggle to see DonOld as a forward thinker….

    8. I am so fucking sick and tired of this mindset that you’re basically selfish and a horrible piece of shit if you have no kids! This…this really fucks with me mentally sometimes

    9. They only care about producing kids because the economy weakens and the corporate elites loose money when the population stagnates or shrinks.

      That’s it.

      This is all about money.

    10. Sweaty_Rent_3780 on

      I believe the ketchup bottles are underreported

      Also I wonder how many empty Big Mac containers he’s had in his lifetime? 🤔

    11. If you want to see Owen Shroyer’s critical thinking skills then listen to his deposition in the sandy hook lawsuit, episode 665 of knowledge fight. Dude is an absolute moron!

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