I really don’t like this subreddit

    by NahYouNeedANerf


    1. InteractionSmall7677 on


      Maybe they forget that this was a sitcom, and not real life

    2. Didn’t know that knowing not to pee in a humidifier or recognize that a vulture isn’t a chicken is quantum physics, but ok.

    3. I personally really hate it when they call kids stupid for getting into situations and getting hurt grievously

    4. they are just mids acting like kids where is the problem and

      Why are these adults literally bullying kids on the internet that’s so weird

    5. name_051829407715 on

      it’s *child*! What are they expecting from them? A room-temperature superconductor invention?

    6. Same users when a kid does something very normal but their parents are actually just fucking incompetent kn parenting:

    7. Kid should have learned the difference between a tachyon and a neutrino if he didn’t want that to happen though, smh. /s

    8. DemsFightinWordz on

      Just sitting spitballs here, but you wouldn’t happen to have been featured in a popular post there some time back, would ya?

    9. Wait what? I thought the sub was just for like cute kids stuff, I only ever saw on post from there and it was funny, is it really that bad?

    10. I really hate how evil people are towards kids on Reddit, I really like kids. But I realize how horribly outmatched I am between reddit people who hate kids and those who *like* kids.

      I’m really conflicted between dying on mountains versus shutting up and being content with loving my own son

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