Definitely…they need consequences for their BS!

    by Real_World123


    1. I think they’re experiencing consequences. I want Trump to lose everything he values and be broken in the public square. I want him to become irrelevant in his lifetime.

    2. ShowMeAllTheThingz on

      Where did these numbers come from?
      How big is the sample size?
      How many are actually foreign/bots?

    3. When they tried the Jan 6 shit in Brazil, the government took IMMEDIATE action to make sure it could never, ever happen again.

    4. everythingbeeps on

      Trump and his cronies will want to create a situation wherein Biden has to declare martial law, which they believe will give them the justification to declare civil war.

      I don’t think we’ve really let ourselves think about how absolutely chaotic and terrifying this election is going to be.

    5. Nearly 50% of Republicans admit they will cry like toddlers if they don’t get their way.

      15% plan to have temper tantrums and throw things.

    6. Traitors should swing by the neck on the capitol steps period. Not taking it seriously invites more treason which is exactly where we may find ourselves…yet again in a few months.

      And I don’t just mean J6ers. I mean anyone who provided aid, comfort or support to a treasonous action.

    7. We didn’t punish Civil War traitors.

      We didn’t punish Nazi officers (enough).

      We didn’t punish Nixon and his co-conspirators.

      We didn’t punish Bush for Iran-Contra.

      We didn’t punish Trump for Ukraine and Jan 6.

      We didn’t punish Jan 6 insurrectionists.

      When are we going to fuckin’ learn that if we don’t punish people for high crimes and treason, they’re just going to do it again?

    8. CompleteSherbert885 on

      Okay, this comes under the heading “question authority.” Please don’t freak out, unlike 2020, we’re well prepared for bad behavior now. They get arrested,Trump’s not bailing them out.

      But here are some hard truths about Trump that are hard to see with all his noise:

      + The low volume of people showing up to his rallies AND the large volume that leave beginning 5 or 6 minutes into his ranting.

      + Republican candidates are broke from top to bottom.

      + We’re 43 days out and in my district of NC, there’s just a small smattering of Trump signage & almost no old beater pickups driving around wasting gas flying Trump flags. I’ve seen the same one dude like 3x but no one else. And I’m the county that supplied this country with Mark Meadows and creepy Madison Cawthorn!

      + Trump has done way too many things to deceive people into thinking he is far more popular than he actually is.

      + Because Trump can’t shut the fuck up (thank God!), he’s told anyone who is listening, or reading, everything he intends to do. All the incessant babbling is just filler noise. Occasionally in that noise he says important things about what he plans to do.

      + And finally, I strongly suspect that come Wed Nov 6th, if he’s lost, he & his boys will be out of the country to an undisclosed non-extradition country with the US. We already know he’s converting all his cash into crypto currencies. And he’s selling as much junk & trinkets as he can to his donors. Melania’s even getting into it with a book.

    9. Specific_Berry6496 on

      So the German elections just finished and the Left won again, after the polling all year showed that the far right had the majority and were going to win. Same thing happened in France and the Uk earlier this year in their elections. There are a few countries that would love to see the US in civil war and are trying to use the stupidity of us polling EVERYTHING while also being ***very bad at it*** against us. Don’t believe any of these stupid polls. Our polling was never great, but there are definitely people out there who are happy to let these countries in to manipulate if they end up the Puppet In Power.

      Vote like the world is going to end if you don’t.

      No one is fighting any wars, but they are definitely trying to test our population. That’s part of all of the crap that was happening in Springfield, evil from around the world.

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