Under 20k home

    by Objective_Ad_1513


    1. MatchSignificant9150 on

      Honestly this is a well thought out idea, these homes have a decent size and look tidy enough for a family of three

    2. Most of what is driving home ownership costs so high is the price of land. There are multiple options for manufactured homes that cut down on the cost of the structure, but you need a place to put them.

    3. Jep. But interestingly all the billionares invest in real estate, like family homes, Bezos is amongst them.

      So is he solving the problem, or co-creating the problem, so they can sell this type of homes?

    4. What about insulation? Nice concept but I don’t think this will work in cold places without a HUGE power bill.

    5. Unless it comes with a plot you’re still paying a bit more for some land, utilities attachments and whatever else would be needed.

    6. Ornery-Practice9772 on

      Need land to mount it on. Needs water/electricity/sewerage. So its not 19k walk in and live there. Just an expensive caravan with no utilities or wheels🤷‍♀️

    7. rayhoughtonsgoals on

      €80,000 in Ireland.

      The world is mad. You guys spend $40,000 on a driveway but cars and energy cost nothing. We’d have to pay multiples of that even for a modular home here.

    8. The only review of that house is that just collapsed on its own and killed someone’s dog that was inside it.

    9. I mean…its not that bad. But isn’t the expensive part of owning the home the land rather than the building itself?

    10. “No one can afford a real home anymore”

      Lots of people all over the globe are still buying traditional built houses.

    11. So_spoke_the_wizard on

      Let’s get real. Amazon sells these because someone made them and wants to sell them. Amazon could care less about overall demand or housing issues. They sell $19k watches too. How big is the demand for those on Amazon?

    12. So is this applicable in four weather seasons? Id love to have a place like this but id want to know its feasible.

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