Like god damnit I think only Italy didn’t get to have a german king

    by bmerino120


    1. I mean we did have an overabundance of those fuckers lying around, and even exporting half of them didn’t solve the surplus – which is why late stage world war 1 war goals was about every minor german ruler trying to get his own puppet regime in eastern europe

    2. aegon-the-befuddled on

      See the existing monarchies of Europe right now. Following are German.

      Belgium: Saxe-Coburg und Gotha

      UK: Windsor (Saxe-Coburg und Gotha)

      Denmark: Glücksburg

      Liechtenstein: Von Liechtenstein

      Luxembourg: Nassau-Weilburg (From Bourbon Parma)

      Holland: Orange-Nassau

      Norway: Glücksburg

      Only Monaco (Grimaldi), Spain (Bourbon), Sweden (Bernadotte) have non German houses ruling. That’s mainly cus thanks to HRE, Germany just had a lot of “Royals”. They might not have estates larger than a university campus but they were legally given style of royalty. Which made them good match for other royals. And that’s how they sniped their way into every throne. And whenever a new throne was created, again these university campus royals would be seen as good options to take it. Concept of nation and state didn’t emerge until French revolution which made it all the more easier.

    3. TheHistoryMaster2520 on

      France, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, and Montenegro didn’t get German kings either in the 19th century

    4. Well if you want to marry into a royal household you need someone of equal rank.

      And germany had lots of kingly families lying around. Bonus points that they were weak/umimportant next to most big nations. So marrying into them does not uproot the diplomatic balance or creates a new powerblock other nations feel threatened by.

      In addition as these are foreign spouses marrying into them doesn’t uproot the internal power balance of various noble families either.

      In short if you wanted a nice royal marriage without too much political consequences, marry a german

    5. that’s why Kaiser Willy I insisted on being “Emperor of Germany” and not just “German Emperor”

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