Twitter in Brazil – Elon Musk agrees to appoint a legal representative, pays fines and takes down user accounts that the court had ordered removed

    by SierraCameraShy


    1. franchisedfeelings on

      He should do like his hero, the felon, and have his oversized transparent elon face on a t-shirt with a big “Never surrender” underneath.

    2. So a Brazilian judge can beat you! What do you thought “Leon”? That you’re above the law everywhere? Just wait until you’ll get into the EU judicial system nightmare. Brazil is just an appetizer.

    3. Dazzling_Caroline on

      Brazil is the 6th largest block of Xitter users. Even Elongated Muskrat knows his failing media site can’t lose that many people at once. It’s too late tho. huge numbers of Brazillians have switched to Bluesky, Threads, and other platforms. He’ll get some of them back but never all of them.

    4. “FUCK YOU! I’m Elon fucking musk! You think you can tell me what to do. Fuck you. You do what I say. I’m the king of the fucking world!”


      “fuck you”


      “Fine. I’ll do it.”

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