This is the executive director of the BC Conservative Party (who might win the provincial election next month)

    by Appropriate_Duty_930


    1. Well other regions of Canada have proven that voters are just as fucking dumb as US voters, sometimes more so, so I fully expect them to win.

    2. Short-Poetry9019 on

      BC as in British Columbia? Is this little fella aware that the hat is in reference to the United States? Not North America.

    3. Only the left in the US said the OK sign was some racist dog whistle while the rest of the world was like no it’s not you morons. Because it isn’t.

    4. Leftists effed us up so hard that these crackpots look like better alternatives. That’s the real tragedy here

    5. Is the hand gesture he’s making supposed to be a nazi symbol? As I do that to say OK…or good job…

    6. I’m fucking terrified of the conservatives getting in

      All they do here is mimic maga

      But because of the massive elderly population who refuse to do research and just vote what they always have, they get a lot of votes

      I’m hoping the NDP will win provincial, and that the conservatives do not get a majority federally (they’re pretty much set to win it. But at least with a minority win, they won’t be able to do the really psycho shit)

      I’m trans, and they’ve already made it clear they support conversion therapy, which is fucked up. I’m terrified how else they plan to attack us (almost certainly banning puberty blockers in order to get a ton of kids killed) but at least with an NDP, or even Liberal opposition, they can stop the really bad shit

    7. Is he doing the white power sign? But with his left hand instead of right? How are people like this getting in a position where they can make a run in politics?

    8. Little-Resolution-82 on

      God damnit they really turned the ok symbol into a hate symbol it all started with a meme and dumbasses took it seriously

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