Budget Deal Reached Averting Government Shutdown. Trump Rage To Follow. (Link AP News in Comments)

    by WoofWoofster


    1. The real headlines should be that Republicans gave up on blackmailing the country because nobody gave a crap.

    2. This’ll be a big hit to his ego.

      Trump dictating the GOP while being an average citizen was a joke and an embarrassment to their party. Guess they all realized this and decided to back the country, not just follow dimentia Don to ruin.

    3. The most interesting thing about this whole debacle was the Turtle admitting that having the shutdown would be bad because the GOP would be blamed for it, NOT because it is actually something bad for the country.

    4. Government shutdowns are the ultimate unforced error and diminish our economic reputation and confidence in our systems. And they’re costly for no appreciable benefit other than political points

    5. nobrainsnoworries23 on

      I swear there was this Middle Eastern Jewish dude who warned people it was impossible to serve two masters.

      Maybe Johnson should read it some day?

    6. CompleteSherbert885 on

      This was as predictable as breathing. Also as predictable is Republicans only want to bitch, create scenarios where they are being thrown under the bus, scenarios where they create a problem and solve it for themselves like it’s victorious, and so on. With tons and tons of proof, Republicans don’t actually want to work, they don’t want to solve problems, they don’t want to get anything done, they just want to bitch and create problems which only they can solve.

    7. Our country is bigger than Trump and should be treated that way. He is not fit to run for anything and we need a leader and the world is watching. Meanwhile, Trump is meeting with foreign leaders, (dictator’s) at Mar a largo. We have got to stop the madness, so please check your voter registration all the way up until you place your vote and get the word out to others.

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