Man finds a bear at his window

    by RealRock_n_Rolla


    1. I would never understand why humans take these beasts with such ease, close distance and talking to them like to a dog, why do you even risk a 10-20% chance of getting mauled, literally one move. These are savage beasts, they don’t even kill you, they just start eating you from wherever they want.

    2. Neighbor found a bear in his garage eating his bird food supply. He went back inside and opened the garage door. Bear had popped the side door open….

    3. VerySluttyTurtle on

      I once looked out my bedroom window and saw 2 young bears in the tree outside. Not cubs, but not quite full-sized. I lived in downtown Juneau, and it was such a weird experience. Here I was in an urban area, 3-4 blocks from the state capitol building, and I would have people in the neighborhood be like “eh, don’t go down that street right now, there’s a bear going through”. When I was in Ketchikan a bear cub ended up in the produce section of the downtown grocery store..

      Just to give more context, in both Ketchikan and Juneau these would always be black bear. In Juneau grizzlies are technically possible but not common in/near the city. Black bears were just part of life.

      I had a hot redhead come visit me and we were hiking back toward the parking lot later than we meant to. It was a straight trail near the end and so in the twilight you could only see straight ahead toward the opening in the distance but it was dark to the sides. All of the sudden there was a loud crash and we saw a bear silhouette go in front of us across the trail, then crash all around us without us knowing where it was.

      Still, nothing in Alaska compared to how wild she was in bed.

    4. Everything_is_hungry on

      Lucky that jab from the bear missed. Those claws would have scooped a pound of flesh in one swipe.

    5. That bear could leap right up and into that window in a SECOND. Have you all seen how fast they just about RUN up a tall tree? This guy’s nuts!

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