Bathroom sign at the pub I’m at, urinals and stalls to the left, just stalls to the right.

    by OhAces


    1. Honestly makes sense, to be honest you could even go a step further with entirely separating urinals and stalls in separate rooms

    2. Honestly we should just do away with gendered bathrooms at this point and be adults; it’s not like I’m helicoptering my dick to the other guys in the shitroom, and then people don’t get to stomp their feet and get red in the face about it being one way or the other

    3. They have that at a lot of the nightclubs in my city

      I’ve found people primarily stick to their usual bathroom tho

    4. treeteathememeking on

      I’ve always thought that urinals should be in stalls honestly. I’m not a man but I feel like being able to see someone also peeing in your peripheral vision, even if you ain’t seeing anything private, is awkward. Like, I really don’t want anyone to be aware of my piss, and I don’t want to be aware of theirs.

    5. So men get a bathroom to themselves but can go shit in the women’s room if they would like. This doesn’t seem like a good idea.

    6. I’m calling it! This time it’s really for sure the end of the western civilization. I’ll be back in ten years to grab my trophy.

    7. ronweasleisourking on

      There was a pub in Brixton that had a sign that read “sit down this way, stand up that way”. Asked the lady at the bar what to do if I, a man, had to shit. She said “figure it the fuck out, yeah?” How to argue with that, eh?

    8. CaptainSouthbird on

      And, again I ask, why don’t we just install toilets generally.

      And the water argument doesn’t count because some countries figured out dual flush modes with a “light” option for regular toilets.

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