JD Vance: “I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. If abortion is not banned, especially in cases of incest, most republicans wouldn’t be born. That’s why they are trying to ban it .

    2. yep, everything they are planning and doing are to trap women and make them helpless and dependent on their husband.

      maga and project 2025 are going after abortion, abortion drugs, contraceptives. they are also going after no fault divorce. jd vance is against women working — all of these things that jd vance is against allow women to be independent and in control of their own lives, their own futures, and their own timelines.





    3. Republican women will vote for this ticket because it’s against their own interests and make up some excuse that is the economy that determined their vote.

    4. PastyWhiteGuy83 on

      I’m starting to truly believe that JD Vance is really the PsyOP against Trump’s campaign. This PoS just opens his mouth & everything you can possibly say wrong just keeps coming out.

    5. Why stop there? Why not universally? The fate of humanity should come before women’s health care. Wait a minute…

    6. I wish scum like him were illegal nationally. We really need to vote blue because, should the lunatic slither his insane way back into the WH, this asshole will become president when Trump finally blesses us all and dies.

    7. Awesome, now it’s my turn. I want you and that orange fidiot held responsible for the attempted coup you shit holes pulled…

    8. I believe couch fucking should be a federal crime where one would have to ride the lightening. But you don’t see me pushing my views on you Chance do you?

    9. He’s gotta be a plant, right? Like, someone on the inside got him installed as the VP candidate to bring down the entire campaign, it seems. He was clearly not vetted at all even slightly lol

    10. I once thought JD Vance was an educated coastal elite cosplaying as a racist incel hick in service of naked political ambition.

      Now I realize that he was always a racist incel hick, and his naked political ambition brought him to the Republican Party so that he could stop cosplaying as an educated coastal elite.

    11. No shit. It’s obvious that they’re wanting to enact a nationwide abortion ban. They wholly believe that abortion is an evil practice on par with the holocaust. Of course they want to ban it, and this lie that they’ll “tolerate it” in states that vote to keep it legal serves to bring them closer to their goal. All they have to do is win. So don’t let them. Vote.

    12. AutomaticJesusdog on

      Trump—“my beautiful women, stop worrying about abortion. If you elect me, you won’t even have to think about it. Elmo will impregnate you and you’ll have nothing left to worry about, promise”.

    13. I agree he’s a POS but for this election cycle and those going forward… we shouldn’t trust audio clips.

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